The Garmire Family


Boy oh boy! Has it ever been a busy time this spring!?! We have been running kids to soccer and baseball practices and games. Between that and piano lessons and all of the other extra things Emily and Andrew do with school and church... well... it's hard to get a breath in! It has been very fun however, Emily's soccer team went 5-2-1 this spring and she has played brilliantly!

Andrew's soccer team has done very well also placing a 6-1-1 record up He has really become a little aggressive player these days. .He has really taken a liking to baseball and has done well in the game as well.

Not to mention, keeping up with the youngest, (Owen) has sure had its moments! He's a great kid, a very active one at that!

...and we wouldn't have it any other way!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Wow! You guys are posting maniacs lately! I love it! Keep it up! Your kids are so big and adorable! I wish I could give them all a big hug! Do it for me OK?